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Postgraduate Program Overview

Business Administration

The program of Business Administration, established in 2003, attained authorization to confer postgraduate master's degrees within a second-level disciplinary framework. Commencing its recruitment of graduate students in 2004, the discipline achieved recognition as a key discipline at Jiangnan University in 2006. Subsequently, in 2010, the department, building upon the foundations of "Enterprise Management," secured the privilege to award master's degrees in "Business Administration" as a first-level discipline.

At present, the first-level discipline encompasses four distinct research directions, namely, "Enterprise Management," "Technical Economics and Management," "Tourism Management," and "Accounting." Notably, in 2014, "Business Administration" garnered distinction as a pivotal training subject within Jiangnan University's doctoral programs.

Research Direction:

1. Business Management

2. Marketing

3. Human Resource Management

4. Finance and Accounting

Management Science and Engineering

In 2006, the program of "Management Science and Engineering" attained the authority to confer first-level master's degrees, marking a significant milestone in academic accreditation. The program encompasses diverse research directions such as Industrial Engineering and Logistics, Environment and Resource Management, Quality Management, and Applied Statistics. The curriculum is structured around the overarching theme of "Management Science and Engineering" for first-level master's degrees.

The department boasts a distinguished teaching faculty, comprising five professors and eight associate professors, the majority of whom hold doctoral qualifications. Over 50 percent of the faculty possess doctorates, reflecting a commitment to scholarly excellence. In the preceding three years, this academic cohort has contributed significantly to the body of knowledge, publishing over 200 papers in esteemed domestic core journals.

Research Direction:

"Management Science and Engineering" stands as a premier first-level discipline within the broader management domain. Rooted in the application of contemporary scientific and technological advancements, coupled with sophisticated management paradigms, Management Science and Engineering is dedicated to the continual enhancement and refinement of management methodologies. The overarching objective is to facilitate enterprises in elevating the quality and sophistication of their management activities, thereby augmenting the economic efficiency of these entities.

The program is structured around a comprehensive framework encompassing the following specialized research areas:

1. Uncertainty Prediction, Decision-making Theory, and Methods

2. Logistics and Supply Chain Management

3. Knowledge Management and Science and Technology Innovation Management

4. Financial Engineering

Logistics Engineering

In 2011, the academic program in "Logistics Engineering" achieved the authorization to confer full-time professional master's degrees, establishing a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses various research directions. These include Enterprise Logistics Management and Operations, Logistics System Planning and Design, Supply Chain Management, and Logistics Industrial Planning. The program is designed with a primary emphasis on cultivating adept and specialized professionals possessing a profound understanding of fundamental theoretical principles and comprehensive expertise within the domain of Logistics Engineering.

The overarching educational goal is to nurture high-level applied talents equipped with the capacity to apply robust theoretical foundations to practical problem-solving scenarios. Furthermore, the program aims to instill in its graduates the proficiency necessary for engaging in logistics engineering practices or assuming managerial responsibilities, thereby cultivating well-rounded professionals with comprehensive qualifications in the field.

Research Direction:

1. Logistics System Planning and Design

2. Logistics System Operation Management

3. Supply Chain Management

4. Logistics Management Engineering

Applied Economics

In 2011, the academic program specializing in "Applied Economics" secured the authorization to confer master's degrees as a first-level discipline, encompassing three distinct second-level disciplines: International Trade, Finance, and Regional Economics. Throughout the sustained evolution and cultivation of this academic field, the "Applied Economics" major strategically leverages resources from prominent research bases, namely the Food Safety Research Base of Jiangsu Province, the Chinese Networking Development Strategy Research Base, the Wuxi Tourism and Regional Economic Development Research Base, along with a dedicated training facility for doctoral candidates specializing in the domain of food retailing and culture.

This academic initiative harmonizes its trajectory with two first-level disciplines at the master’s level, namely Business Administration and Management Science and Engineering. Consequently, the major in Applied Economics has effectively established a disciplinary framework imbued with regional characteristics and professional strengths, thereby positioning itself with distinct local attributes and academic advantages.

Research Direction:

1. Food Safety and Trade

2. Multinational Corporations and International Investment

3. Financial System and Capital Market

Regional Economy and Technological Innovation

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